Early Release on Wednesday
1 PM, 2 February, Wednesday, early release day for all students.
All after school cadet activities are canceled for that afternoon.
Blues Open Collar, ABUs for applicable cadets.
Palmetto Computer Defense Competition (PCDC)
The Cyber Team was selected as one of the 13 Cyber teams out of the 150 teams in the state to compete in PCDC in April.
This premier cyber competition is hosted by the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command located in Hanahan, SC.
Competitions This Last Weekend
Cyber Team was not able to compete in CyberPatriot Semi-Final competition last Saturday due to DD2 closing because of bad weather.
Cyber Team was given special permission by DD2 and CyberPatriot to compete this past Saturday due the semi-final determines who goes to the National Competition.
Upcoming Competitions
Air Rifle Team will be competing next Saturday at the Hanahan Army JROTC Air Rifle Meet.
Unit Military Ball
Unit Military Ball is scheduled for 26 February, Saturday, 6-10:30 PM at the Red Bank Club at JBC Naval Weapons Station.
Cadets eligible to attend the Military Ball:
Cadets currently in JROTC this semester or Reserve cadets.
Cadets enrolled in JROTC last semester but are not this semester.
Tickets will be $35 per cadet.
Fierce Fox Meet is still scheduled for 5 March, Saturday. In the next few weeks, a Genius Survey will be sent out for parent volunteers.
More information about ticket selling and the Military Ball will be posted on teams and in later unit emails.
HQ AFJROTC Unit Inspection
Each year, the unit must conduct an unit inspection which involves all active and reserve cadets in service dress to be reviewed by a representative from HQ AFJROTC. This year the inspection will take place on 10 March, Thursday.
This unit inspection is very involved and takes a tremendous amount by time by the cadets to prepare the unit for inspection.
All 2nd semester cadets and reserve cadets are required to attend the PIR.
The unit has received Outstanding Distinguished Unit or Distinguished Unit since the unit was formed in 2008. Last year, the unit was not inspected due to the pandemic.
More information to follow.
Pass-In Review (PIR)
PIR is the cadets forming up in the ARHS football stadium and selected cadets will receive Cadet National Awards from Veteran Organizations. This ceremony includes changing of command for cadet senior staffs and recognition of graduating seniors.
This is a required formation for all 2nd semester active cadets and reserve cadets.
The final event is the corps of cadets marching in review.
Parents and families are invited to attend.
Cadet Leadership Course (CLC)
Cadet Leadership Course is a one week Air Force JROTC approved course held at The Citadel in June. Dates are CLC 1, 5-11 June and CLC 2, 12-18 June.
The course consists cadets staying one week at The Citadel sharing a room with another cadet from another unit during the week.
Cadets will not have media devices nor phones for the entire week.
Cadets are not allowed to go home at night.
Activities include physical training, leadership lab, air rifle orientation, orienteering, obstacle course, and lots of sports events at night. The week culminates with a Pass In Review on Saturday and cadets are released to go home.
In addition, cadets who pass the course will receive .50 elective credit.
More information to follow.
Unit Weekly Schedule
See attached unit weekly schedule for unit events this week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email wclark@dorchester2.k12.sc.us.