AFJROTC Drill Team
Competed at the Hanahan AJROTC Drill Meet
4th Place Overall
1st Place Duet Competition
2nd Place Unarmed Knockout
4th Place Individual Armed Exhibition
4th Place Color Guard
All the cadets gave an outstanding performance in their 1st competition of the year!
Color Guard
Color Guard presented colors Friday night at the ARHS Home Football Game.
Homecoming Queen
Congratulations to the unit Command C/Chief Master Sergeant Paris Hall for being selected as the 21-22 Homecoming Queen!
Parking Detail
A big THANK YOU to the parking detail cadets who worked the home football game.
6:30-7:30 PM 27 Sep, Monday, Virtual Cadet Enlisted Teams Meeting. All enlisted cadets are required to attend. Academic grade will be given. Cadets who cannot attend must turn in excuse to their applicable instructors.
Family Night
6:30-7:30 PM, 30 Sept. Thursday Virtual
Link for the meeting:
All cadets are required to attend for an academic grade. Cadets who cannot attend the meeting must turn in a signed parent excuse to their applicable instructor.
Parents are invited to attend the program to learn about:
Booster Club
Command Staff
Competition Teams
Unit Field Trips
Military Ball
Unit Instructors
Snap!Raise Fundraiser
Question & Answer period
Fundraiser starts on 4 October, Monday.
Cadets will start loading their 20 emails on Monday in class. The cadets can get a big start if parents help their cadets in setting up their Snap!Raise pages so they are prepared to load their emails in class and parents can help them load the emails also.
Please read the Snap!Raise attachments concerning the fundraiser so your son or daughter can have a successful fundraiser.
Attached unit weekly schedule has dates for uniform inspection.
All 1st years and upperclassmen will wear blues open collar this week.
Thank you for your support!