If you have not finished your Registration Paperwork, please do so ASAP.
Registration payment, physical, and online forms are available on the Unit
Webpage: ARHS-AFJROTC.com/Parent-Information.
1800-2230 Saturday, 26 February, Military Ball. 3-18 February, Tickets are $35 and
are on sale. Please see MSgt Powell for a ticket.
7-18 AFJROTC Hygiene Drive: Community Service Hours will be given based on the number of products and size of the products.
Morning Flag Detail: Mike
Afternoon Flag Duty: Hotel/India
Logistics Sweep Detail: Bravo
Monday 7 February – A Day
All Flights Academics
0800-0900 Senior Staff Meeting
1605-1700 Academic Team Practice
Canceled Air Rifle Team Practice
1600-2200 Kitty Hawk Concessions
Tuesday 8 February – B Day
Rank Day
0800-0845 CLC PT
Cyber Team Team Leadership Staff Meeting
Uniform Inspection Open Collar Blues in Major Clark’s room
1605-1800 Drone Team Practice
1605-1730 D&C Practice
Wednesday 9 February – A Day
Rank Day
Uniform Inspection Open Collar Blues
ILT Reserve Flight Uniform Inspection in Mini-Gym Open Collar Blues
1605-1730 D&C Practice
1605-1730 Cyber Team Practice
Thursday 10 February – B Day
PT, PT Uniform/Water Bottle/Hygiene Kit
0800-0845 CLC PT
1605-1730 Rocketry Team Practice
1605-1800 Drone Team Practice
1605-1730 D&C Practice
Friday 11 February – A Day
PT, PT Uniform/Water Bottle/Hygiene Kit
Saturday 12 February
Sunday 13 February