Good morning parents,
This is our big week for our major field trip to Washington DC. Showtime for the trip is Thursday night, 4/25 at 2300 hrs (11pm) in the bus loop. We are very excited and looking forward to visiting and learning more about our nation’s capitol and our federal leadership.
Pass-In-Review: Thursday, 2 May at 6pm to 7pm: Parents, family and friends are invited to join our cadets for the annual Awards, Change of Command and Pass in Review ceremony where the entire unit will march in formation, recognizing many of our accomplished cadets, our outgoing leaders and our incoming staff. The event will be held in the ARHS stadium, unless whether directs us to the main gym.
CLC Parent Information Meeting: Tuesday, May 7th at 5pm to 6pm in the JROTC classroom. Registration, Cost, deadlines, drop off and pick-up details will be shared about CLC, which is 9-15 June. Also, Mrs Marcrum will be present to notarize the CLC medical form (required to attend) and Ms Herb will be present to collect payment. Cost is $270 for Basic cadets and $295 for Cadre cadets.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday April 22nd – Sunday April 28th
Turn in CLC Registration Paperwork by May 10th
Turn in CLC Registration Fees by May 16th
Morning Flag Detail: Delta
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha/Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Golf
Monday April 22nd – B day
Flight Academics
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Tuesday April 23rd – A Day
Uniform for A-Day only flights and In-Flight PIR practice: OCBs (Open Collar Blues)
Early Bird Workouts 08:15 – 09:00
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
Future Fox Night Showtime 17:00
Wednesday April 24th – B Day
Uniform for Block and B-day only flights: OCBs (Open Collar Blues)
In-Flight PIR practice
CLC Practice 16:10 – 17-30
PIR practice Flight Crew & Guideons 16:10 – 18:00
Thursday April 25th – A Day
PT for A-Day only Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles.
Early Bird Workouts 08:15 – 09:00
CIA Trip Showtime 23:00 Bus Loop
Friday April 26th – B Day
PT for Block and B-Day only Flights, Bring Uniform, Hygiene Kits, and Water Bottles.
CIA Trip
Saturday April 27th
CIA Trip
Sunday April 28th
CIA Trip return 19:00