Thank you to all the parents who attended the CSU Drill competition and the Hanahan Air Rifle meet – It’s great to have your support, thank you!
This week, we will have uniform for everyone on Wednesday, 14 February in order to rehears our mass formation at the beginning of 1st period ahead of our USAF HQ inspection 10 days from now. We need all cadets to attend and looking sharp.
Unit Weekly Schedule Monday February 12th – February 19th
Reminder to turn in registration papers, physicals, and fees
Final Payment for CIA Trip Due FRIDAY February 16th
Continue Contributions to Combat Jars
Military Ball tickets on sale Thursday for $30
Mass Unit Inspection Rehearsal During First period on Wednesday 2/14, meet in JROTC Quad
Morning flag Detail: Kilo
Afternoon Flag Detail: Alpha / Foxtrot
Logistics Sweep Detail: Echo (Make sure to sign in on sign-in sheet)
Monday February 12th – A Day
Flight Academics
Staff Interviews 16:00 – 17:00
Air Rifle Practice 16:10 – 18:00
Drone Practice 16:10 – 17:30
Kitty Hawk 16:00 – 17:00
Tuesday February 13th – B Day
Flight Academics
Staff Interviews 16:00 – 17:00
Team Commander Practice in Colonel’s 16:10 – 17:30
Booster Club Meeting 18:00 – 19:00
Wednesday February 14th – A Day
Uniform: Lightweight w/Tie/Tie-Tab (all cadets must wear their uniform regardless of whether they have JROTC this day or not)
Mass Unit Inspection Rehearsal during First Period, Report to JROTC Quad (cadets will be released back to their 1st period class by 10am)
Flight Crew & Command Staff arrive at 0900
All other cadets arrive at 0930
Thursday February 15th – B Day
PT for B-Day only Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle. Bring sweats depending on weather.
Military Ball Tickets Sale begins
Staff Interviews 16:00 – 17:00
Team Commander Practice in Colonel’s 16:10 – 17:30
Drone at SIRES 17:00 – 19:00
Friday February 16th – A Day
PT for Flights, bring uniform, hygiene kit, and water bottle. Bring sweats depending on weather.
Final CIA Trip Payment Due
Saturday February 17th
No Unit events planned
Sunday February 18th
No Unit events planned
Monday February 19th
NO SCHOOL, President’s Day